love of books

美 [lʌv əv bʊks]英 [lʌv ɒv bʊks]
  • 对书本的喜爱
love of bookslove of books
  1. He was eloquent about his love of books .


  2. And there began my love of books and reading .


  3. But he always maintained his love of books .


  4. A love of books is the ruling passion in his life .


  5. My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing books myself .


  6. Jefferson became a lawyer in 1767 and had a great love of books .


  7. If you combine a love of books with tech savvy , library science may be the major for you .


  8. What if I simply benefited from a family love of books , or even inherited some bookish genes ?


  9. The beginning of March sees events all around the world dedicated to instilling a love of books and reading in children .


  10. My mother said : " Of course ! Sign him up . " And there began my love of books and reading . EJ : Same here .


  11. There was one thing which and not died on her & the love of books Once we make the first move , automatically lose interest on us when we take the initiative .


  12. By helping a child develop a reading habit , you can instill in him a love of books that will last him a lifetime , and which will bring him wonder , joy and knowledge .


  13. The more we talked , the more we realized we had in common : our love of books and music ; not to mention cats . We both had a hard time explaining our feelings to others .


  14. I love these type of books .


  15. I love these types of books .


  16. Devote some of your leisure , I repeat , to cultivating a love of reading good books .


  17. Not only the love of learning and of books and ideas , but also the love that a teacher feels for that rare student who walks into a teacher 's life and begins to breathe .
